The Golden Age of the Railway Poster
Shackleton, J. T. | 1976
LC No.NC1849.R34 S42 1976
This pictorial tribute to a bygone era in railway advertising brings out the full flavor and romance of travel in the grand manner by examining the fascinating history of posters designed to entice the weary traveler onto the railroad. The book traces the railway poster from its earliest roots dating back to 1804 forward to the typographical extravaganzas of the Victorian period, the rambunctious pictorial art of John Hassall, the elegance of Frank Newbold and the bold and the adventurous work of E. McKnight Kauffer and Roger Broders, showcasing almost 150 colorful posters. The author concentrates on posters from Britain, France and North America and explains the changing nature of railway advertising and design over the years as well as the technological improvements in printing that made the changes possible.
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