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Catherine Zask: Poster Collection 12

Museum für Gestaltung | 2005
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LC No.NC1850.Z37 A4 2005

One of the most innovative French graphic designers, Catherine Zask's posters have the elegance and coherence of DNA, and indeed she works with the building blocks of writing and communication--letters. Here, in Poster Collection 12, the series from the Zurich Museum für Gestaltung, she allows the letters free rein to be musical, to trigger echoes, to store images, but never unmoors them from their task of providing written communication in an appropriate and comprehensible form. The dialogue with the client and the public is crucially important to Zask: "I make graphics to include the others." Her work for SCAM (Société Civile des Auteurs Multimédia), the Hippodrome theater in Douai, and the École d'Architecture Paris-Malaquais are evidence of the remarkable clarity and unmistakable individuality of her work. 54 illustrations

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