Chaumont 2011: 22nd International Poster and Graphic Design Festival
Hervy, Etienne | 2011
The catalogue for the 22th International Poster and Graphic Design Festival of Chaumont comes into two volumes sealed together. Volume one is a small booklet (16 x 23 cm) with essays by bäke, Étienne Hervy, Annick Lantenois, Ed Fella, Florence Aknin, LUST, an interviews with Wim Crouwel and Milton Glaser, an article on the Olivetti Office Stationary, and a section on the Signage of the Festival by VIER5 Radim Peko. Volume two covers the works by Hector de la Vallée, Michiel Schuurman, Pinar&Viola, Séverin Millet, Olaf Ladousse, Jochen Gerner, Paul Elliman,Paul Cox, and others.
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