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Gunter Rambow: 1960 – 96

Rambow, Gunter | 1996
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LC No.NC1850.R36 A4 1996

Rambow's posters are unambiguous. His incisions, burnings, injuries, fractures and stains represent statements, positions - positions that do not warn, demand or even instruct, but instead defy, like barriers that simply appear suddenly out of nowhere in our paths to invade the idylls of our daydreams. There is nothing in them that weakens the impact of these attacks - or perhaps more accurately these intrusions - upon our senses, no aesthetic braking maneuver, no artistic evasive action. Nothing at all. In fact, these posters are nothing but energy - accelerators and amplifiers - in which Rambow confronts us directly and frontally. There is no way around them.

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