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The Design Of Dissent: Socially and Politically Driven Graphics

Glaser, Milton | 2005
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LC No.NC1810.G46 2005

Dissent is an essential part of keeping democratic societies healthy; for citizens to voice our opinion is not only our privilege but our responsibility. Without this dialogue, the backbone of what we have fought so desperately for could easily crumble. Over the past decades, the number of democratic societies has increased around the globe, and there is a heightened awareness of increasing conflicts and problems that affect our everyday lives. With the Middle East conflict, the war on terrorism, and financial and environmental crises, people's sense of safety, power, and representation has diminished in part because they feel they have no voice. Designers, however, use their skills to communicate their dissent, even more so now with the World Wide Web and the increasing ease of distributing posters and other printed materials. This book examines graphic work focusing on social and political concerns from around the globe.

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